Private equity is a critically important asset that investors cannot afford to exclude from their portfolios. With its potential for high returns that can outperform other asset classes such as conventional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds - private equity offers a competitive edge to sophisticated investors. This 12 hour Varsity course Private Equity Investing and Creating Value is designed for institutional investors as well as investment professionals aspiring to be better private equity managers. This private equity program, will deliver the latest information about the private equity sector, while teaching the latest concepts investors need to know to confidently evaluate investment opportunities in the private equity space and to build optimal investment processes. |
What Will I learn?
Stages of PE Investment
- What is Private Equity?
- Private Equity Investment process
- Deal Sourcing
- Signing an NDA
- Initial Due Diligence
- Investment Proposal
- The First Round Bid or Non-Binding Letter of Intent (LOI)
- Further Due Diligence
- Creating an Internal Operating Model
- Preliminary Investment Memorandum (PIM)
- Final Due Diligence
- Final Investment Committee Approval
- Final Binding Bid
- Signing the Deal
Private Equity Strategies
- Introduction to Private Equity Strategies
- Strategies list - Venture Capital, Growth Capital, Leveraged Buyout, Mezzanine, Infrastructure, Real-Estate
- Difference between Strategies
- Exit Strategies
Drivers Of Performance
- Performance Drivers
- Main Elements of Performance Drivers – Cyclicality, Size, Persistence, Experience, Industry concentration, Geographical concentration, Fund’s type, Other variables
- Difference between Fund Strategies
Role of PE Firm and Bank
- Private equity firm
- Role of Equity Firm
- Role of PE Firm in a Deal
- Banks
- Role of Banks in PE Deal
Global Private Equity and Emerging Markets
- Global Private Equity
- Global Private Equity Investment
- Current Scenario: 2020-2021
- Emerging Market
Introduction to Business Value
- What is Business Value?
- How Business Value is Created?
- Methods of Valuing a Business
Factors Affecting Business Value
- Factors Affecting Business Value
- How do PE firms affect the business value?
Live Online Sessions Each session is interactive and informative, featuring case studies, quizzes and projects |
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